
Top Ten Tuesday: One-Word Book Reviews!

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Hi hello and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! This weekly post is hosted by the wonderful Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl so please be sure to go check out her post with all of the information about TTT. This week, the topic is TTT Rewind where you pick a previous topic that you missed or would like to re-do/update. Since I just started doing this, there are a ton of topics that I missed so I definitely wasn't short on choices! But one that stood out to me the most was one-word reviews of the last ten books I've read. How fun does that sound?! Let's get started!

1. Muscles & Monsters by Ashley Bennett

2. Stupid Cupid by Salem Sinclair

3. That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming

4. Bleed for Cupid by Aiden Pierce

5. The Embalmer by Rayne Havok

6. Tantalize by Rayne Havok

7. Step-Devil by Aiden Pierce

8. Wickedly Sweet by Steph Macca

9. Frosted Hearts by Salem Sinclair

10. Grave Tidings by Salem Sinclair

As someone who typically likes to go in-depth with my reviews, this was both fun and tough! I liked the simplicity of the one-word review, but I also wonder how people will interpret the words that I chose. This might have to be a post that makes a more frequent appearance on my blog because it's a great way to wrap-up my most recent reads quickly and also, hopefully, get someone to look more into a book because of the word I chose to summarize my review! I'd love to know what word you would use to wrap-up your most recent read. If you took part in this weeks TTT, what post did you choose to do? Let's chat in the comments below and don't forget to link your post so I can go check it out! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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  1. Good job! One word reviews are hard.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-things-ive-quit-doing/

  2. They are hard! I remember choosing "Sentimental" as one of my one-word reviews. Is that good or bad? Could go either way and I'm not saying. I was proud of the ambiguity.

    My last book was The Hidden Palace by Helene Wecker. I'm going to choose "Bittersweet" for that one.

    Great job!

  3. Same! I'm usually super wordy, so it was tough for me when I did this topic. Refreshing, though, to just write a quic, concise concise review. Great job!

    Happy TTT!

  4. That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon is a hilarious book title. I love it.


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