WWW Wednesday: 22 March 2023
12:00:00 PM
Hi hello and welcome to my first WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. This is a really fun and easy weekly post where you answer the three W’s: what are you currently reading, what did you recently finish reading, and what do you think you’ll read next? Let’s get started!
What are you currently reading?
I'm currently reading an ARC of On Twisting Tides by Val E. Lane and I'm loving it so far! From Tormented Tides was so good and was one of my favorite books I read in 2022, so getting the opportunity to read an ARC of the sequel is incredibly exciting. If you like Pirates of the Caribbean, this is absolutely the book for you. This series is full of lyrical writing that will hook you like a siren song and won't let go until you're emotional as can be and realizing you've finished the book.
What are you currently reading?
I'm currently reading an ARC of On Twisting Tides by Val E. Lane and I'm loving it so far! From Tormented Tides was so good and was one of my favorite books I read in 2022, so getting the opportunity to read an ARC of the sequel is incredibly exciting. If you like Pirates of the Caribbean, this is absolutely the book for you. This series is full of lyrical writing that will hook you like a siren song and won't let go until you're emotional as can be and realizing you've finished the book.
What did you recently finish reading?

I finished That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf by Kimberly Lemming! I had such a fun time reading it and I really think if you're looking for a refreshing take on the fantasy and romance genres, pick this series up. It's more along the lines of fantasy rom-com and I know that might sound odd but it works so well! The world is fantastic, the characters are so loveable, and the writing isn't what you'd expect from a fantasy book. It's modern fantasy, if that makes sense? I love how different it is than other books that I've read in those genres. Also, I found out the author draws her own covers which is just amazing!
What do you think you'll read next?
Okay, I know that Belladonna by Adalyn Grace wasn't on my Spring TBR but this keeps popping up on TikTok and it has been on my regular TBR for a long time. Plus, it is a springy cover with all the flowers, right? Never mind the fact that they're possibly poisonous flowers. I'm just obsessed with the cover and apparently the sequel, Foxglove, comes out in August so this seems like a good time to read the first book just in case I really enjoy it and want to read the second book!
And that does it for this WWW Wednesday! I'm such a fan of this weekly post because I'm already doing better with keeping up with my reading. This post really allows me to see how my reading "plans" change weekly because one week I could say I'm going to read one book, and then completely change it the next! How is your reading week going? What's something you're currently reading or planning on picking up soon? Were you introduced to any new books with this post? I'd love to know so please feel free to leave me a comment down below! Don't forget to visit Taking On a World of Words and see Sam's post for the week, and maybe check out some others awesome weekly posts from the comments! What do you think you'll read next?
Okay, I know that Belladonna by Adalyn Grace wasn't on my Spring TBR but this keeps popping up on TikTok and it has been on my regular TBR for a long time. Plus, it is a springy cover with all the flowers, right? Never mind the fact that they're possibly poisonous flowers. I'm just obsessed with the cover and apparently the sequel, Foxglove, comes out in August so this seems like a good time to read the first book just in case I really enjoy it and want to read the second book!___________________________________________________________________________
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you in the next chapter!
Thank you so much for checking out my post! I'd love to chat, so please feel free to leave a comment :D