
WWW Wednesday: 15 March 2023

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Hi hello and welcome to my first WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. This is a really fun and easy weekly post where you answer the three W’s:  what are you currently reading, what did you recently finish reading, and what do you think you’ll read next? I think this will be a great way to motivate myself into reading more books on my TBR and sharing more about my reading plans from week to week. Let’s get started!

What are you currently reading?

I'm currently reading That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf by Kimberly Lemming and I'm about halfway through currently. When I say Kimberly Lemming is one of my new favorite authors, I mean that with my whole heart. I flew through the first book, That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon, and it easily took its place on my favorite books of 2023 list and I read it at the end of February. I was looking for a cute romance and got an amazing fantasy world with loveable characters and a classic adventure storyline that I was definitely not expecting. The sequel follows Brie, who is Cinnamon's best friend, and her mishap with a love potion and a werewolf.

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished reading Muscles & Monsters by Ashley Bennett and I absolutely loved it, oh my gosh. It had been on my recommended section in Kindle Unlimited for a while and I kept eyeing it because the cover is just too cute, but I finally picked it up and I'm so happy I did! This is book one in the Leviathan Fitness series and I have the sequel, Tentacles & Triathlons, on my Spring TBR so I will absolutely be continuing the series. If you're a fan of cute and spicy monster romance books, I highly recommend Muscles & Monsters!

What do you think you'll read next?

I have three books that I'm leaning towards picking up and honestly, I'll probably read them all because I can't decide. First up is The Handler by L.T. Ryan and C.R. Gray which I started reading but got distracted by other things, so I'd like to pick it back up so I can read the next book when it comes out in April. It's not my usual read with it being a crime thriller, but I love C.R. Gray and I actually enjoyed both the prequel story and what I read of the book before I put it down, so I'm excited to actually finish reading it entirely. Second is the sequel to Muscles & Monsters and that's Tentacles & Triathlons by Ashley Bennett! I love cute and quick romance books so this will be perfect if I'm not feeling the crime or fantasy vibes of the other two books. And finally, we have On Twisting Tides by Val E. Lane which is the sequel to one of my favorite books I read in 2022, From Tormented Tides. I was kindly sent an ARC of On Twisting Tides and to say I'm excited to read it is absolutely an understatement.
And that does it for my first WWW Wednesday! I really enjoyed doing this because not only was it quick, but it also allowed me to share my reading plans that I'm really excited about for the week. It also gives me motivation to read more so that I can share a variety of books with each new post! How is your reading week going? What's something you're currently reading or planning on picking up soon? Were you introduced to any new books with this post? I'd love to know so please feel free to leave me a comment down below! Don't forget to visit Taking On a World of Words and see Sam's post for the week, and maybe check out some others awesome weekly posts from the comments! 
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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