Book Tag Thursday: The Last Book I Tag

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Hi hello and welcome to Book Tag Thursday! This week has been a busy one for me but I really wanted to post at least once this week and book tags are some of my favorite posts to make. Today, I’ll be doing the Last Book I tag created from a Instagram post by Becky’s Book Blog! This tag is where, for example, you choose the last book you gave five stars to. It seemed both fun and simple and I’m always down for fun and simple posts. Let’s get started!

1. The last book I bought
It shouldn’t be shocking that I bought another edition of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab, right? I got the paperback edition from the Addie tour and it was signed and personalized by V.E. Schwab so it's probably my most prized copy of Addie. Which sounds silly when I look at all of the beautiful editions that I own, but this one has my name written by V.E. Schwab so it's special to me. I did do a huge post I about most of the special editions of Addie LaRue, so if you'd like to check it out and see some of those covers, feel free to click here!

The last book I borrowed
I saw Priscilla Rose talking about this new anthology on TikTok and I immediately ran to Kindle Unlimited to borrow it. I'm trying to get more into short stories/anthologies and this fantasy romance collection sounded like a great one to read! Bound in Magic has eight short stories and it sounds right up my alley so I'm really excited to start reading!

3. The last book I was gifted

Yeah, I know, another copy of Addie? But, okay, this one I won in a giveaway. I honestly never thought I would win because I never win giveaways, but surprise I did win! But because I already do have a ton of copies of Addie and just got this exact edition from the tour, I'll be gifting this one to a friend of mine who hasn't read this before but was interested in reading it. I'm tempted to read it again and annotate it for her because I love the idea of sharing my favorite book with a friend and showing them all of the things that I love so much about it.

4. The last book I gave to someone else
I was almost done with reading The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro and I wanted my mom to read it, so I surprised her with an eBook copy! I love surprising her with books because she’s the person that got me into reading as a kid and I just want her to be able to read whatever books she wants, whenever she wants. I never had the ability to do things like that for her when I was younger but now that I do, I never miss the opportunity.

5. The last book I started

Little Fox by M. Violet. I was lucky to receive an ARC of this from the author so I've been reading through it! I read the first book, Good Girl, in November 2022 and it was a fun spicy novella that hit the spot when I was looking for more Halloween novellas/short stories to read even though it was well after Halloween at that point. Little Fox is a full length book and dives more into Bailey's past and her present with Grim, Saint, and Poe. It's...a lot more spicy than the first book and I don't mean that lightly. I've never had to take a break from a spicy book before but it's a bit overwhelming for me at times so I'm reading this on and off. If you're interested in this, please check the trigger warnings.

6. The last book I finished

The Trees Grew Because I Bled There by Eric LaRocca. This is a collection of short stories and it was an okay read for me. I had a few that I really enjoyed but overall, I don't think it was a win for me. But that doesn't mean it was bad! I like to normalize three star or middle-of-the-road reads because not every book is going to be a masterpiece five star new favorite book. Sometimes they're just okay, and that's fine!

7. The last book I rated 5 stars

The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro! This is my favorite book of 2023 and I know that's a bold statement seeing as how it's April and there are so many more books I could read this year, but I don't know how any of them can top this. It was spooky, heartbreaking, beautiful, and empowering and if any book is going to top this, it's going to have big shoes to fill.

8. The last book I rated 2 stars

Motherthing by Ainslie Hogarth. Ah yes, this book again. I feel like this may have been a case of it being marketed wrong, at least for me, because I went into this expecting horror and didn't get horror. I think I mentioned in my review that it's possible that I just didn't get it or that it was some form of elevated horror, and maybe that's just not for me. Which is fine, not ever book is going to be for me. I've seen a lot of good reviews for this and I'm really glad that this book found its audience!

9. The last book I DNF’d

The Sleepover Massacre by Brian G. Berry. I apparently started this in October and put it down at 42%, which I don't even remember doing to be completely honest. I had to scroll back far in my Goodreads for this one! I'll probably pick this back up at some point because for this life of me, I don't know why I DNF'd this one. The synopsis reminds me of 70's/80's slasher movies which I love, so this sounds up my alley!

10. The last book I listened to
I actually don't listen to audiobooks! It's not something I could ever really get into, unfortunately. I feel like it would be a really cool way to experience reading, but my brain just can't focus and retain the information that I'm hearing unless I'm reading it with my eyeballs. I love that audiobooks are so popular and that so many people are able to read with this format, but it's not really for me.
And that does it for the tag! I thought this was a really fun book tag to do so big thanks to Becky's Book Blog for posting this. Be sure to go and check out her post for her answers to all of these questions! I'd love to know if you've done this tag or what some of your answers to these questions would be. Let me know in the comments below what your last five star read was! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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