Blogtober Day 6: Spoopy Book Covers

7:15:00 PM

Hi hello and welcome to day 6 of Blogtober 2019! If you don't know what Blogtober is or are curious as to what I'll be posting throughout the month, feel free to check out my Preparing for Blogtober 2019 post to find out what it's all about!! Today, I'll be sharing some of my favorite spoopy book covers and I am super stoked to share some of these. It's absolutely true that a lot of people judge books based on their covers, myself included, so if you're in the mood for some spoopy books to read with aesthetically pleasing and scary covers, keep reading! Let's get started!


 And that's it for some spoopy book covers! I am aware that a few books (Witches of Ash & Ruin, The Familiar Dark, and Ruthless Gods) are not out yet, but I still wanted to include them because I love how creepy their covers are. There's just something about an eerie cover that gets me interested in what's on the pages underneath. And yes, I included all of Riley Sager's books because they're very spoopy and I love them all so much. But I also love new book recommendations so if you have any books with creepy covers that you love, let me know in the comments! Thanks for stopping by and I'll scare ya later!

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