
Blogmas 2018 Day 10: The Christmas Stocking Bookish Tag!

7:55:00 AM

Hi hello and happy holidays! Welcome to Blogmas 2018 where I will be making a brand new post (almost) every day of December that relates to something bookish. I've been following the wonderful prompts from Jenniely, so be sure and go check out her post with all of her prompts if you're wanting to participate and need some inspiration. I did decide to take a detour and do something different for today, however! Today is day ten and I will be doing the Christmas Stocking Bookish Tag created by the lovely Kate at Reading Through Infinity! Let's get festive!

You get up on Christmas morning and your stocking is full! You take it down and start to unwrap the treats inside. The first thing you see is…

An orange! Which book is refreshing and vibrant, both inside and out?

To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
This book has such a beautiful cover (like seriously, I love looking at it and am dying to have this series on my shelf because they're all fantastic) and the inside is just as amazing. It's such a great story that's always a great read because how can you not adore Lara Jean and the crazy shenanigans that she gets into throughout the series?

The next thing you see is a bag of chocolate coins. (Yum) Which book have you recently bought that was expensive but totally worth the high price?

Vengeful by V.E. Schwab
This was the most recent book that I've bought and it was the B&N special edition that's also signed. It was about $25 total (with shipping) so it was a bit expensive, but it was absolutely worth it because Vicious is my favorite book of all-time and I had to have the sequel, obviously.

You also pull out a bath bomb. Tell us about a book that had explosive action scenes.
Vicious by V.E. Schwab
Yeah, I'm referencing two V.E. Schwab books back to back. But this is my favorite book ever and it had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. There may not have been like, super action-packed scenes on every page, but the action that was spread throughout this book was SO INTENSE.

Next is a pack of playing cards. Which series won you over?
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
I resisted for a very long time but I finally gave in and read this book and oh. my. gosh. I flew through it in maybe two days and finally understand why it's so hyped. I now want to own every edition of this book and I am so excited for The Wicked King coming out next month!

You also get a candle. Which character is a symbol of hope in their story?
Nadya from Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan
Okay, so, I got an ARC of this and am absolutely SHOOK. Nadya is quite literally the only hope in her story and I'm not going to give too much away about it but she is the one that everyone is looking at to save the world basically. She's also incredible and I could probably talk about her forever.

There are socks inside too. Is there a book that you think really encompasses all the distinctive tropes of its genre?
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw
This is a fantasy/paranormal YA book and I think that it has pretty much all of the "tropes" of a fantasy/paranormal book. A bit of romance, some magic, witches, ghosts, death/murder, a plot twist. I actually really, really enjoyed this book and I would highly recommend it if you're looking for a good ol' fashioned paranormal book!

There’s also a notebook. Which author’s writing process do you find most interesting/inspiring?
Victoria Schwab
First of all, look at this gorgeous human. I swear, I stan a queen, y'all. So yes, I really love her writing process because she's super open about all of the things that she goes through while writing. She talks about the good days and the bad. The days she does really well and the days she struggles. She doesn't sugarcoat anything but is really honest about her process and that's something that really inspires me. 

To go with the notebook, there’s a fancy pen. Is there a book or a series that you’d change if you’d written it yourself?
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I'd honestly probably change who Katniss ends up with at the end of the series. I never shipped it, was never okay with it, and am still slightly unhappy about it. I loved the entire rest of the series except for that. I won't spoil it in case someone hasn't read it (but if you haven't I wonder if you've been living under a rock or something?) but yeah, that's probably something I'd change if I could.

There’s also a small bedside clock. Which book took you a long time to pick up but was worth it in the end?

Vicious by V.E. Schwab and The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
One became my favorite book ever and the other became one of my top five reads of 2018. 

Your pile is getting really big. You reach in to pull out the last gift and it’s… a lump of coal? You’re a little disappointed. But you look closer and realize there’s a seam running through the coal. You crack it open and sitting inside is a tiny golden snitch. Tell us about a book that surprised you in some way.
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Don't @ me okay this book had me literally flying out of my chair multiple times. I was not expecting so many of the things that happened while reading and I was one hundred thousand percent shook by the end. I also have immediately picked up The Wicked King because I was lucky enough to get an ARC and I just couldn't wait until January to read it.

And that's it for day ten of Blogmas 2018! If you'd like to do this tag, I tag you! Let me know in the comments some of your answers to these questions because I'd love to read all about some books. Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another day of Blogmas!

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