Blogmas 2018 Day 11: The Festive Christmas Book Tag!
8:22:00 AM
Hi hello and happy holidays! Welcome to Blogmas 2018 where I will be making a brand new post every day of December that relates to something bookish. I've been following the wonderful prompts from Jenniely, so be sure and go check out her post with all of her prompts if you're wanting to participate and need some inspiration. Today is day eleven and I'll be doing the Festive Christmas Book Tag! This tag was created by GirlReading on BookTube so be sure and go check out her video for some inspiration and her wonderful answers. Let's get festive!
1. A fictional family you would like to spend Christmas dinner with?
1. A fictional family you would like to spend Christmas dinner with?
I feel like this is a given, right? I mean, who wouldn't want to spend Christmas dinner with the Weasley family?! The thought of getting my own Weasley sweater makes me so excited!
2. A bookish item you would like to receive as a gift?
A bookshelf would be nice as I haven't had an actual bookshelf in over five years.
3. A fictional character you think would make a perfect Christmas elf?
Obviously Dobby! I feel like that's kinda cheating though because I'm sure he's just the easiest choice. But honestly, he'd be such a cute Christmas elf.
4. Match a book to it’s perfect Christmas song
Okay, so I actually really don't like Christmas music. I know, I'm Grinch, but I just...don't like it. BUT I have a song I don't mind too terribly and it's probably because it sounds super creepy and that's my aesthetic. So because of the creepy atmosphere and undertone of the song that becomes creepy because the song is in a minor key (hopefully I'm saying that right?) I chose All I Want for Christmas by Kurt Hugo Schneider and Chase Holfelder to be paired with...wait for it
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
I won't even bother explaining myself with this one because this post is almost entirely Cruel Prince answers. I'm also not sorry in the slightest.
Okay, so I actually really don't like Christmas music. I know, I'm Grinch, but I just...don't like it. BUT I have a song I don't mind too terribly and it's probably because it sounds super creepy and that's my aesthetic. So because of the creepy atmosphere and undertone of the song that becomes creepy because the song is in a minor key (hopefully I'm saying that right?) I chose All I Want for Christmas by Kurt Hugo Schneider and Chase Holfelder to be paired with...wait for it
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
I won't even bother explaining myself with this one because this post is almost entirely Cruel Prince answers. I'm also not sorry in the slightest.
5. Bah Humbug. A book or fictional character you’ve been disappointed in and should be put on the naughty list?
Taryn and Locke from The Cruel Prince. They can just go away forever and ever and I have so many angry feelings towards the both of them.
6. A book or a fictional character you think deserves more love and appreciation and deserve to be put on the nice list?
Cardan because I adore him and his absolute dumpster fire of an attitude. I know underneath he's just a big cinnamon roll who needs some love so he definitely deserves to be on the nice list so he can get some presents that will make him less moody. Like for Jude to tell him she hates him or something.
7. Red, Gold, and Green. A book cover that has a wonderfully Christmas-y feel to it.
The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand
I have heard so many people talking about this book for quite a while but haven't actually read it yet. But it gives me such a Christmas feeling and maybe if I talk about it, then I'll finally get around to reading it!
I have heard so many people talking about this book for quite a while but haven't actually read it yet. But it gives me such a Christmas feeling and maybe if I talk about it, then I'll finally get around to reading it!
8. A book or series you love so much, you want everyone to find under their Christmas tree this year so they can read it and love it too?
I just finished this and am absolute Cruel Prince trash now so this is probably going to be my answer for every question in any future book tag I do. Just as a warning. But yes, I want to give this book to everyone because I want it to be experienced by as many people as possible. At least I used a different cover for this answer, right?
And that's it for day eleven and the Festive Christmas Book Tag! Not even sorry for all of my answers that are Cruel Prince related because I just finished it recently and it has consumed my entire life. Let me know some of your answers in the comments below! Are any of them related to The Cruel Prince? I'd love to talk about it! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another day of Blogmas!

And that's it for day eleven and the Festive Christmas Book Tag! Not even sorry for all of my answers that are Cruel Prince related because I just finished it recently and it has consumed my entire life. Let me know some of your answers in the comments below! Are any of them related to The Cruel Prince? I'd love to talk about it! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another day of Blogmas!

Thank you so much for checking out my post! I'd love to chat, so please feel free to leave a comment :D