
Blogmas 2018 Day 14: Five Favorite Booktubers of 2018!

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Hi hello and happy holidays! Welcome to Blogmas 2018 where I will be making a brand new post every day of December that relates to something bookish. Today is day fourteen and I'll be talking about five of my favorite Booktubers that I've watched this year! Just as a side note, these are not in any particular order. Let's get festive!

Lala has been one of my favorite Booktubers for quite a long time now but this year I just could not get enough of her videos! She is hilarious and I love every single one of the videos that she puts out. Vlogs, readathons, book hauls, bullet journal videos, her Bookmarked series, everything I watch from her is just amazing. If you haven't checked her out, I highly recommend subscribing because her content is A+!

I've watched videos from Chelsea on and off but 2018 was the year that I fully committed to watching as many of her videos as possible. She's such a ray of sunshine and she is so funny and I just genuinely want to be friends with her because I feel like she'd be such a great friend to have! I love how honest she is about all of the books she reads and isn't one to shy away from letting people know she didn't enjoy a book she read. On the same note, when she likes a book, she gets so happy and wants to share her love of it and it always makes me want to read whatever she's talking about. Chelsea is an all-around wonderful human and 10/10 would recommend subscribing!

I'm a very new watcher/subscriber to Cece but oh my goodness I'm so glad I found her channel! She has such a great personality and talks about such diverse and different books and I feel like I'll always come away from one of her videos with a new book to read. I can definitely say she's a go-to if you're looking for some awesome LGBTQIA+ book recommendations or just a great book review or book box unboxing! Whatever the case, Cece is sure to brighten up your subscription box!

If you watch Booktube, then you know who this lovely lady is. Emma is certainly one of the top Booktubers out there but it's definitely for a reason! She puts out a ton of content that always has something for everyone and her channel has grown and changed so much in the years that I've been watching her. Emma is also a huge part of how/why I got into the Biannual Bibliothon and I was actually accepted as a blog host for the Winter 2019 round!

Kat is another pretty popular Booktuber but again, it's for a reason. She's 1/3 of the Booksplosion Book Club, has some great reading videos for readathons and book recommendations, and also puts out some really helpful writing vlogs/videos! She recently did weekly writing vlogs that followed her journey as she drafted what she refers to as Book (yes, really, it's fantastic) and those are actually some really helpful videos to watch if you're an aspiring writer! Plus, she loves kpop. I'd definitely recommend going to subscribe to her channel for some really funny but also informative content!

And that's it for day fourteen and some of my favorite Booktubers from 2018! Do you have any Booktubers that you enjoyed watching this year? Let me know in the comments because I'm always looking for more people to subscribe to and binge watch their videos. Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another day of Blogmas!

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