
Blogmas 2018 Day 13: 10 Favorite Book Covers of 2018!

8:30:00 AM

Hi hello and happy holidays! Welcome to Blogmas 2018 where I will be making a brand new post every day of December that relates to something bookish. I'm changing it up with my post today and probably for the next few days so look out for some new posts from me in my upcoming Blogmas posts. Today is day thirteen and I'll be talking about ten of my favorite book covers of 2018! Just as a side note, these are not in any particular order. Let's get festive!

No one is surprised that this is on here, right? With Vicious being my favorite book of all-time, I had to mention the amazing sequel, Vengeful. Can you blame me, though? These covers are fierce. I do think I like the white UK cover more than the US cover, but both are equally amazing.

Okay, I know, I talk about her so much but I mean, her covers and her books are amazing. Just let me love her. This is another case where I like the UK cover more than the US cover but, again, I love both covers (and the pages between the covers) so very much.

I could go on and on about this book and how much it (and the author) means to me, but I'll leave it at it helped me to feel strong at a time when I felt weak. I'm definitely a fan of all variations of the cover for LIFEL1K3, but the Australian version has absolutely snatched my wig. Which is even funnier than you initially think because I got an ARC of this while going through chemo and had no hair. Ah, self-deprecating humor. But yes, this cover is everything.

So, on top of this being one of my favorite books of 2018 (and like, ever) this is also one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen in the history of book covers. Like, just take a second to stare at it and look at all of the intricate details and admire how stunning it is. The inside is just as amazing as the outside and the sequel is the perfect match to this first book!

Slay my soul these covers are amazing. And this was a read that really caught me off guard with how much I enjoyed it, so that's a bonus!

Apparently, I'm a sucker for creepy pastel pink book covers. Who knew? But I've been absolutely obsessed with this cover ever since I saw the reveal and the really cool video on how it was made!

No one is shocked, let's just accept it and move on.

This is a book cover that took me several different instances of looking at it to notice all of the little things about it. I didn't get that the mountains in the background were actually a face for...longer than I'm okay with admitting. But really, this is a wonderful cover that I feel fits the story so well.

I haven't had the chance to read this one yet (which is strange because it's about space and a deadly virus which are both right up my alley) but the cover is one that has stuck in my mind ever since I saw it for the first time. It's so subtle but beautiful and creepy all at the same time and it's easily one of my favorites that I've seen all year!

IT'S MY BLOG I CAN DO WHAT I WANT TO OKAY? In all seriousness, despite these books not being released in 2018, their covers were released in 2018 and I love them so much.

And that's it for some of my favorite book covers of 2018! Yes, I know, there are a few more than ten in there but I couldn't help myself. Especially with those last three. What are some of your favorite book covers of 2018? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another day of Blogmas!

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