
Blogtober 2018 Day Ten: Reading Slump Survival Tips!

7:50:00 AM

Hi hello and welcome to Blogtober! This is the first year that I'm participating and I'm so excited! If you don't know what Blogtober is, it's similar to Vlogtober (for YouTubers) where I'll be posting a brand new blog post every day in the month of October. I got all of my prompts from the fabulous Jenniely, so be sure to go over and check out her post if you want to jump in on all of the blogging fun. I skipped my first day yesterday but I'm really happy to be back! Today is day ten and I'll be talking about some tips to get out of a reading slump. Let's get spooky!

1. Whatever book you're trying to read, put it down!
Obviously, whatever you're currently trying to read is not working. The best option is to put it down and just walk away. I know, I know, you don't want to give up and maybe you can make it through if you just push on and force yourself to read. Nope, sorry friend, not gonna happen. The first step to conquering your slump is to recognize what put you in the slump in the first place.

2. Don't read anything for a while.
It sounds insane, but anything you try to pick up as a rebound after your initial slump book is just going to end up exactly the same. Take a break, step back, and do something other than read for a while. You'll miss reading, for sure, but your brain needs to basically reset itself. Go catch up on a TV show or do some chores around the house. Give yourself some time to separate from reading. And I don't mean a few minutes or a few hours, I mean a few days or up to a week or more.

3. Change it up
What genre were you reading when the slump hit? When you're finally ready to read again, pick something completely different. Reading fantasy? Try a contemporary or maybe a horror/thriller! What about a Young Adult? Step outside the comfort zone and try an Adult Fiction book.

4. Change it up...again
I know, creative title. But I'm referring to the format in which you're reading this time. Were you reading a physical book when the slump happened? Try an e-book! Or vice versa. You could even try reading on the computer with a PDF or the Kindle app. Or maybe give audiobooks a try if you've never listened to one before. A change in format may help keep your brain fresh and may help you discover you like reading different formats than you're used to!

5. Try a new location
Some of my preferred places to read are in my computer chair at my desk or in the bed with a bunch of blankets. If you have one place you typically like to read, try changing it up and reading in a new spot. Maybe in the living room by the fire or just in a comfy reading chair. Changing your surroundings can help change your mindset and give you a fresh perspective on reading.

6. Graphic novels count, too!
This kind of relates to changing the format in which you read but is more about what you read than how you read. Graphic novels (or even comic books and manga) are a great way to reset your brain and make reading fun again. Having pictures to look at while following along with the story can help keep you engaged and want to read instead of feeling like you're just looking at words on a page. Putting faces to the names can help immerse you into the world that you're reading about and making you want to continue on with the story!

I would love to know some of your tips for surviving a reading slump! I had an awful slump happen last year and most of the beginning of this year due to some personal things but now I'm back on my reading game and couldn't be happier. What are some things that you do when you get hit with a slump? Let me know in the comments and maybe your tip will help a fellow reader! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another Blogtober post! Stay spooky!

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  1. These are fantastic tips! The graphic novel tip is one in particular that I find helps me a lot. Sometimes it feels good to just be able to fly through a story quickly and it can motivate me to pick back up my regular books.


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