
Blogtober 2018 Day Eight: Creepy Reads!

7:35:00 AM

Hi hello and welcome to Blogtober! This is the first year that I'm participating and I'm so excited! If you don't know what Blogtober is, it's similar to Vlogtober (for YouTubers) where I'll be posting a brand new blog post every day in the month of October. I got all of my prompts from the fabulous Jenniely, so be sure to go over and check out her post if you want to jump in on all of the blogging fun. Today is day eight and I'll be talking about some creepy reads. Let's get spooky!

Starting this list off with a bang we have The Girl From the Well by Rin Chupeco! While this is easily one of my all-time favorite YA horror books (as well as the sequel, The Suffering) it is still pretty frickin creepy. I think the aspect of being inside Okiku's head and hearing her thoughts is what made the creepy factor in this skyrocket. But if you're not easily spooked and you're looking for a creepy book to pick up for the month of October, I highly recommend this one!

Damned by Chuck Palahniuk. I have read this book exactly one time and one time ever because it freaked me out and messed me up really bad back in the day. I say back in the day but I only read this seven years ago, honestly. It was amazing and fantastic, don't get me wrong, and Chuck Palahniuk is one of my favorite authors, but this book just...dang. It made me really think about my own mortality quite a bit and being 17/18 years old and thinking about that was not conducive to a positive mental state for me. So, yes, this book is definitely a creepy one for me, and I'd only recommend it if thinking about death and your mortality doesn't freak you out.

The Diviners by Libba Bray. While I haven't read this book (yet) I've heard nothing but good things about this! I've seen Booktubers and reviews on Goodreads talk about how creepy and sometimes terrifying this book can be and I am absolutely here for that. 

What's a creepy books list without a good ghost story?! City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab is a fantastically creepy middle-grade book that's absolutely perfect to read this time of year! Nevermind the fact that Victoria Schwab has recently become one of my all-time favorite authors and her book Vicious is now officially my favorite book ever. She's just a wonderful author and this book has such a creepy vibe on every page but it's such a great book and I highly recommend it!

Last but certainly not least, Survive the Night by Danielle Vega. If you're claustrophobic, then this book will definitely freak you out! This book reminds me heavily of the film Catacombs which was quite creepy so if you liked that, then you'll really enjoy this book!

And there you have it! Some creepy reads perfect for the Halloween reading season. Have you read any of these? Let me know what you thought of them if you have! I'd also love to know what some of your suggested creepy reads are so let me know in the comments. Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another Blogtober post! Stay spooky!

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  1. Yay, I love creepy book recommendation lists! I'm starting The Girl from the Well this weekend and I am HYPED. I really loved City of Ghosts but the rest of these are still on my TBR!

    1. Ahhh yes! I can't wait to hear what you think of The Girl from the Well! It's definitely one of my favorites and really took me by surprise when I read it. I had seen so many less than positive reviews and it worried me but once I sat down and started reading, I just flew through it!


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