Blogtober 2018 Day One- October TBR!

7:49:00 AM

Hi hello and welcome to Blogtober! This is the first year that I'm participating and I'm so excited! If you don't know what Blogtober is, it's similar to Vlogtober (for YouTubers) where I'll be posting a brand new blog post every day in the month of October. I got all of my prompts from the fabulous Jenniely, so be sure to go over and check out her post if you want to jump in on all of the blogging fun. Today is day one and I'll be talking about my October TBR. Let's get spooky!

If you know me or have been around my blog for any amount of time, you know that I never create concrete TBRs from month to month. I'm what you would call a mood reader, meaning I just pick up whatever I'm feeling like reading at the moment! While I don't have an actual list of things I'm going to read, I definitely have a list of things that I would like to read, so here they are!

This is part of the Paz Reads Godsgrave event for October! I really don't think this needs much explaining, right? It's Jay Kristoff. 'Nuff said.

I read Final Girls last year and it's one of my all-time favorites! I've heard such good things about this book and I can't wait to finally sit down and read it.

This is a re-read for me but one I've been meaning to do for a while. I never continued the series after reading this and honestly, I found my thoughts on it to be rather confusing. I wasn't sure exactly how I felt about it so I'm giving it a second read to really figure out if I plan to continue on in the series.

Watch the Girls by Jennifer WolfeThe synopsis has absolutely hooked me and I think that this is going to be the perfect read in October! 

Again, another synopsis that has me hooked and one that I'm so excited to get to! I tend to read a ton of horror/thriller books once Fall hits so this is definitely on my list.

Girl of Nightmares by Kendare BlakeI read book one, Anna Dressed in Blood, last year and fell in love with Anna and Cas. Like, they're not the first ghost/human couple I've shipped and cried over, but they're definitely one of my favorites. I can't believe it has taken me so long to get to the sequel but I know it's going to be amazing when I do finally get to read it!

Again, I'm a mood reader so there's really no telling what I'll pick up next. But these are some of the books that I'd love to get to this October! What books are on your TBR this month? Let me know in the comments below because I'm always on the lookout for new books to read. Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow! Stay spooky!

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