
Spookathon 2018 TBR!

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Hi hello and welcome to my Spookathon 2018 TBR! I was so excited to see the announcement for Spookathon had finally been made and I immediately jumped on making my TBR for my favorite readathon of the year. If you don't know what Spookathon is, be sure to check out the announcement video from the always amazing BooksandLala! Below, you'll find my TBR along with the challenges for this readathon. Let's get spooky!
1. Read a thriller

The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay
I actually found this book because of two of the Spookathon hosts, Lala and Shannon! I've heard really good things about the author, Paul Tremblay, and the synopsis of this one has me so curious as to just what this is about. Home invasion plots kinda freak me out but this sounds like a super interesting take on the topic! 

2. Read a book with purple on the cover/ 3. Read a book not set in the current time period

Okay, I mean it this time, I'm going to read this book! I'm also doubling up on challenges because this is a book that has both a purple cover and is not set in the current time period. But I've heard so many good things about this book and I'm determined to finally read it!

4. Read a book with a spooky word in the title

I talked about this being on my "TBR" because it was recommended to me by someone giving recommendations based on my favorite video game. If you couldn't guess, it's Bioshock! But I've been eyeing this for a while and with drowning and deep, I think this fits the challenge pretty well. Deep may not be spooky to you, but just think about what's lurking beneath the surface of the water that you can't see with your own eyes. Now it's spooky, huh?

5. Read a book with pictures

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Okay, I'm gonna be honest, just looking at some of the artwork in this book still terrifies me and I'm 25 years old. I remember reading these books in elementary school (so very, very young) and still wanting to read them well into high school because, well, I loved them. But there are some freaky pictures in here, y'all. Just thinking about Harold makes me want to sleep with one eye open and to this day, I am still terrified of any lumps or bumps under my skin because of the spider story. Thanks for that image that haunts me to this day, Stephen Gammell.

11/10/18 EDIT: Turns out that the group read, Toil and Trouble, hits 4 of the 5 challenges. So, I'll probably end up reading the group book (I had already planned to read it but now knowing it hits all but one of the challenges, I'll definitely be reading it to help complete the challenges) and then use my inital TBR as some extra reads!


And that's my TBR for Spookathon! If you're participating, I'd love to know what some of the books you plan to read are. Also, did the Scary Stories books give anyone else nightmares or is that just me? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for stopping by and stay spooky!

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