
Top Ten Tuesday: My Husband Describes Books!

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Hi hello and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! This weekly post is hosted by the wonderful Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl so please be sure to go check out her post with all of the information about TTT. The topic this week is a freebie, which means you can write about literally anything you can think of. I went through a few ideas and then I landed on this one: books as described by my husband. He loves to guess what I'm reading, and helps me pick out books sometimes, but he's not a super big reader like I am so I thought it would be funny to have him describe what he thinks a book is about based on the cover. I tried to pick a few he would recognize from my shelves, like ACOTAR and Empire of the Vampire, but I threw a few curveballs in there just for some fun. Let’s get started!

1. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

"Oh I know this one, it's faerie porn."

2. Lightlark by Alex Aster

"Light what? What’s a lark? I don’t know what that is? I think this one is about a bard, and I'm assuming there's space involved based on the stars. I like the gold filigree on this, though."

"Ancient curse. Like a group of people protecting the thing. Whatever the secret or bloodline or thing people can't know, that's what they're protecting."

4. Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

"I'm assuming this is not a Spirit Halloween employee? Definitely a she controls the dead type of thing based on the skeletons.” 

5. Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff

“Is that Yasuo? Based off of the snake, eagle, wolf, bear, I’m guessing they’re some sort of blood creatures and Yasuo goes to magic school?”

Me: “Okay what’s this one about?”
Jamie: “The fourth wing. Not the third, not the fifth, the fourth.”

“A girl serial killer who is killing all of the other girl serial killers because they think they’re the final girl serial killers but they’re not the final girl serial killers.”

Jamie: “I’m guessing it’s about Lily and Snape, past that I don’t know. What am I supposed to be getting about the cover?” 
Me: zooms in on characters 
Jamie: “…so he kisses with his eyes open? Is that it?”

Jamie: laughs “Come on now.”
Jamie: googles tentacle hentai “Come on now.”

Jamie: “Looks like it’s cold so they gotta stay warm somehow!”
Me: “It’s smutty and has big blue aliens.”
And that’s it for this Top Ten Tuesday freebie post! I have to say, this is one of the funniest posts I’ve done. He definitely gave me the eyebrow raise of judgement for all ten of these covers and I could not stop laughing as he tried to tell me what he thought they were about. But I loved involving him in this and I hope you guys get a kick out of his responses. I’m already thinking of another post to have him be involved in! What did you do for this freebie post? I’m excited to see all of the variations that people come up with this week because the possibilities are endless! Please feel free to link your post below in the comments so I can come check it out. And let me know which description my husband gave was your favorite! Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you in the next chapter!

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  1. #8 was the best, but I love all of these. Your spouse is hilarious.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  2. Hahaha! This was such a funny and creative use of the freebie this week! Your husband is hilarious.

    He got the fandom wrong for The Love Hypothesis. Did you tell him who they were originally supposed to be?

    My TTT post: https://standingtreereads.wordpress.com/2023/07/11/top-ten-tuesday-%f0%9f%97%93%ef%b8%8f-july-11-2023/

  3. This was awesome. Good job to your husband and you, too.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.


  4. Oooh! Interesting topic! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  5. Ha ha. I haven't read any of these, so I don't know how correct your husband was, but I love that he gave it a shot :)

    Happy TTT!

  6. The ACOTAR one lolol My husband also knows what that book is. I think all husbands should know by now hahahah Also, the Fourth Wing one is hilarious. I love how straight forward men are lol AND NO THE HENTAI PORN. I'm dying hahahahah

    My TTT: https://www.mollysbooknook.com/top-ten-tuesday-22/

  7. Haha, I love the Spirit Halloween comment. The person on the cover totally looks like she shops there.

  8. This was so hilarious! I think #8 was my favourite but they were all great, what a creative use of this week's freebie.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/07/11/top-ten-tuesday-428/


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