
Book Tag Thursday: Nintendo Book Tag

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Hi hello and welcome to Book Tag Thursday! Today, I'll be doing the Nintendo Book Tag, created by Sam's Cozy Corner. My husband and I finally watched the new Super Mario Bros movie and absolutely loved it, so I was really wanting to do a tag related to Mario! So when I found this tag I got super excited because not only does it have Mario, but several other characters and even consoles, and it reminds me so much of my childhood which makes me happy. Let’s get started!

1) NES (Nintendo Entertainment System): A classic you want to read

Definitely Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. My best friend and I absolutely love the 2005 film and I have been wanting to read the book for years at this point. I’m determined to get this super pretty OwlCrate edition because look at the purple oh my goodness it’s stunning, so I keep putting it off until I have a copy of this edition. Makes total sense, I know.

2) SNES (Super Nintendo): A sequel you liked more than the 1st (can be a 2nd book in a series)

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. I enjoyed ACOTAR but when I read ACOMAF, oh my god, I loved it so much. Something about this sequel just changed my entire viewpoint on the series and I knew I was hooked. And when Mor got introduced? I was an absolute goner. This is absolutely one of my favorite books of all time and definitely one of my favorite sequels!

3) Nintendo 64: A book that revolutionized the way you look at the world

Damned by Chuck Palahniuk. I know I’ve talked before about how this book traumatized me when I was younger and it’s the absolute truth. It made me panic about my own mortality and I was so messed up from it for quite a long time. I never even read the sequel because I didn’t want to think about dying all over again. I’ve considered going back to this and reading the sequel now that I’m older, because I’ve gone through cancer and spine surgery and made it out mostly okay, but I don’t know if I’m mentally stable enough at 30 years old to be traumatized all over again!

4) Gamecube: A popular book that did not go over so well with you 

I’m so sad saying this but…The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw. I got about 30% of the way in and just had to put it down. It really messed up my Summerween experience, unfortunately, and I hate that. I’ve heard such good things about this novella, and it has great ratings from people I trust, so I was really bummed when I got that far into it and I just found that I wasn’t able to continue. I may pick it up again in the future, but for now, this is a DNF for me.

5) Wii: A new favorite book

Yellowface by R.F. Kuang. If you’ve read and enjoyed it, then you get it. It’s such a fantastic book and I could probably rant forever about it because the writing was incredible, the characters were so well-written and I loved how much I hated June, and I feel like it was great commentary on the publishing industry and how unbalanced it really is as a whole. Plus there’s now the opportunity to ask someone if they’ve read Yellowface or to tell them they’re in their Juniper Song era and I love that.

6) Nintendo Power: Favorite graphic novel series or a series you want to start

Monstress by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda. I’ve wanted to read this series for years but for some reason, I still haven’t picked it up. The art style is stunning and the storyline sounds like something I’d enjoy so I really don’t know why I haven’t read it yet!

7) Super Mario: A character that you'd love to squish like a Goomba

Alejandra’s husband from The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro. Matthew was literally the worst and I didn’t even want to mention his name because he was that awful. My heart was constantly breaking every single time she tried to communicate with him, and as the book went on you find out that he’s always been like this and he is the worst, in case I didn’t say that already.

8) Zelda: A newer fantasy that you consider to be a modern classic

The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. I haven’t read this absolute beast of a book (I will eventually) but with the amount of people that still talk about it four years after release, it leads me to believe that it’s not only good, it’s surely a classic at this point. This is definitely a book I think of when I’m thinking of fantasy books so I think it’s safe to say it’s a classic fantasy book now.

9) Samas-Aran: Favorite sci-fi novel or one you want to read

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes. I absolutely loved this spooky space book, oh my god. I got to be on a blog tour for it last year and I’m so glad I had the opportunity because it introduced me to an author that I’m now considering an auto-buy author because her first book was just that good to me. If you’re a fan of space and horror, then you’ll like this book! 

10) Pokémon: Book editions that you want to collect

If you’re new here, hi, I collect different editions of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab. My collection is up to I believe 19 copies currently and it’s still growing! I absolutely love all of the beautiful covers and foreign editions, and I even did a blog post with a collection of all of the editions (or as many as I could find, rather, because I probably missed a lot I don’t know about!) and I even shared some photos of my collection along because I love talking about them.

11) Donkey Kong: A book with original characters

All of them? I’m not sure what book to pick for this prompt, honestly. I feel like all of the books I read are filled with wonderful characters and they’re all unique and original in their own ways. 

12) Nintendo Fandom: Favorite Nintendo game(s) or game you really want

It’s a toss-up between Animal Crossing: New Horizons and both The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and the sequel, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

 I had never played an Animal Crossing game (that I can remember) prior to New Horizons, but just like everyone else, I played this during the quarantine in 2020 and it basically helped me stay sane during that time period. I have so many hours in that game and it’s still one I can go back to occasionally and enjoy because it’s just so calming and cute. It also got me into the more cozy farming games so I love that I got introduced to a new genre and new games because of ACNH! 

Both Legend of Zelda games are also special for two fairly big reasons. I played Breath of the Wild while going through chemotherapy in 2017\2018 and it was a huge source of happiness during a time where I was really struggling both physically and mentally. Both my husband and I played it together and it was so helpful to have something to focus on and keep me from just being a potato in between appointments and treatments. And now, Tears of the Kingdom came out right before my spine surgery so I’ve been playing it throughout my recovery process and it has been such a beautiful journey so far. It feels like these two games have been there for me during two really hard times in my life and I’m so happy that I have them to replay and remember.

And that does it for the Nintendo Book Tag! The things and games that these prompts are based on really brought me back to my childhood and reminded me of how different games and systems used to be. If you had told younger Megan that one day, she would have a game system that she could hold in her hands and play Zelda or Pokémon that had graphics as good as a TV, she’d probably laugh and not believe any of it. What is your favorite Nintendo game? Did you play on any of these systems when you were younger? Have you even heard of the ones that are mentioned in this tag? At least lie and say yes so that I don’t feel old! But let me know in the comments below because I love chatting with you guys so much! Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you in the next chapter!

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