
Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Spring TBR!

2:55:00 AM

Hi hello and welcome to my first Top Ten Tuesday post! In an effort to post more than just the occasional review or wrap-up, I decided to try to start doing some weekly blog posts. This one is hosted by the wonderful Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl so please be sure to go check out her post with all of the information about TTT. This week, I'll be talking about ten of the books on my Spring TBR! I'm typically a mood reader, but I have a few books that I'd like to get to and a lot with flowers on the cover, which feels perfect for the Spring season. Let's get started!

Title: Flowerheart
Author: Catherine Bakewell
Pages: 352
Genre: YA Fantasy 
Release Date: 14 March 2023

From Goodreads: "Clara’s magic has always been wild. But it’s never been dangerous. Then a simple touch causes poisonous flowers to bloom in her father’s chest. The only way to heal him is to cast an extremely difficult spell that requires perfect control. And the only person willing to help is her former best friend, Xavier, who’s grown from a sweet, shy child into a mysterious and distant young man. Xavier names a terrible price in return, knowing Clara will give anything to save her father. As she struggles to reconcile the new Xavier with the boy she once loved, she discovers their bargain is only one of the heavy secrets he’s hiding. And as she hunts for the truth, she instead finds the root of a terrible darkness that’s taken hold in the queendom—a darkness only Clara’s magic is powerful enough to stop."

Title: Where Darkness Blooms
Author: Andrea Hannah
Pages: 320
Genre: YA Horror
Release Date: 21 February 2023

From Goodreads: "The town of Bishop is known for exactly two things: recurring windstorms and an endless field of sunflowers that stretches farther than the eye can see. And women—missing women. So when three more women disappear one stormy night, no one in Bishop is surprised. The case is closed and their daughters are left in their dusty shared house with the shattered pieces of their lives. Until the wind kicks up a terrible secret at their mothers’ much-delayed memorial. With secrets come the lies each of the girls is forced to confront. After caring for the other girls, Delilah would like to move on with her boyfriend, Bennett, but she can’t bear his touch. Whitney has already lost both her mother and her girlfriend, Eleanor, and now her only solace is an old weathervane that seems to whisper to her. Jude, Whitney's twin sister, would rather ignore it all, but the wind kicks up her secret too: the summer fling she had with Delilah's boyfriend. And more than anything, Bo wants answers and she wants them now. Something happened to their mothers and the townsfolk know what it was. She’s sure of it. Bishop has always been a strange town. But what the girls don’t know is that Bishop was founded on blood—and now it craves theirs."

Title: That Time I Drugged a Dragon
Author: Kimberly Lemming
Pages: 400
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Release Date: 23 May 2023

From Goodreads: "When I was a little girl, my Ma used to read me stories every night. Some were epic adventures with high stakes and exciting twists while others were of princesses trapped in towers guarded by fierce dragons. The pitiful princess would be stuck inside all day pining for her prince charming to come and rescue her. I always hated those stories. I couldn't imagine why the lazy thing didn't just get up and leave. Ironic since I was now stuck in that same situation. Turns out, when a dragon holds you hostage, he doesn't just let you get up and leave. Who knew? When I thought I saw hope on the horizon, that hope was smashed to bits by - you guessed it - another damn dragon."

Title: She Is a Haunting
Author: Trang Thanh Tran
Pages: 352
Genre: YA Horror
Release Date: 28 February 2023

From Goodreads: "When Jade Nguyen arrives in Vietnam for a visit with her estranged father, she has one goal: survive five weeks pretending to be a happy family in the French colonial house Ba is restoring. She’s always lied to fit in, so if she’s straight enough, Vietnamese enough, American enough, she can get out with the college money he promised. But the house has other plans. Night after night, Jade wakes up paralyzed. The walls exude a thrumming sound, while bugs leave their legs and feelers in places they don’t belong. She finds curious traces of her ancestors in the gardens they once tended. And at night Jade can’t ignore the ghost of the beautiful bride who leaves her cryptic warnings: Don’t eat. Neither Ba nor her sweet sister Lily believe that there is anything strange happening. With help from a delinquent girl, Jade will prove this house—the home her family has always wanted—will not rest until it destroys them. Maybe, this time, she can keep her family together. As she roots out the house’s rot, she must also face the truth of who she is and who she must become to save them all."

Title: These Bitter Blooms
Author: Emma Hamm
Pages: 537
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Release Date: 09 January 2023

From Goodreads: "Thea was not blessed with power. Her gift of devouring plants and absorbing their hidden abilities does not make her stand out among her peers. Until a young man from the other side of the river sees something in her that no one else has seen before. When his family mercilessly strikes at her pride, he makes a point to ease the sting. Alistair is not like his family. He has no interest in magic or wealth. He can see through the veil of the world into the faerie realm, and that has no use in his family. He never understood the desire to write to the girl across the river, but she turns his world of grey into a life of color. At the first opportunity, he meets with her. The second, he falls in love. And the third, he knows he wants to marry her. Until the cities across the river go to war. Their lives are shattered, ripped apart, and thrown asunder. Then, ten years later, a chance meeting brings them back together. He needs a secretary. She needs a job. Neither realized they were about to be thrown into each other's arms once again. And this time, he doesn't intend to ever let her go."

Title: On Twisting Tides
Author: Val E. Lane
Genre: Fantasy 
Release Date: 27 March 2023

From Goodreads: "The curse is broken, but Katrina is still plagued by the haunting note left behind as a new semester begins in the coastal town of Constantine. And she’s still not sure how to admit to herself that she may never be the same after that night on Valdez’s ship. Meanwhile, Milo adapts to his second chance at life, but the heavy conscience of a pirate's past still weighs on his soul. When Katrina receives another chilling letter, she’s tasked with a burden that will require a journey across the sea…and he’s determined not to let her face it alone. But as Milo’s world unravels and Katrina battles newfound inner demons, holding back the ocean’s wrath may prove to be the least of their problems…and the shadows of the past may not be as distant as they seem."

Title: Tentacles and Triathlons
Author: Ashley Bennett
Pages: 228
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Release Date: 04 October 2022

From Goodreads: "Leviathan Fitness is the favorite place of monsters, muscles, and a tentacled creature who can seduce even the hardest to win over human. When parks department supervisor Reece Rollins decides to sign up for a triathlon– there are two things holding him back. One, his fear of monsters. Two, his sub-par swimming skills. At the urging of his sister’s wolven mate, Reece joins Leviathan Fitness to train in the gym’s Olympic size swimming pool. After running into Reece at the pool, Cyrus offers to help Reece get ready to win the race. New feelings arise from the depths as Reece and Cyrus learn that monsters and humans go together, tentacle in hand. The only question is- can these two hold on to their newfound love despite their differences?"

Title: The Haunting of Alejandra
Author: V. Castro
Pages: 272
Genre: Horror
Release Date: 18 April 2023

From Goodreads: "Alejandra no longer knows who she is. To her husband, she is a wife, and to her children, a mother. To her own adoptive mother, she is a daughter. But they cannot see who Alejandra has become: a woman struggling with a darkness that threatens to consume her. Nor can they see what Alejandra sees. In times of despair, a ghostly vision appears to her, the apparition of a crying woman in a ragged white gown. When Alejandra visits a therapist, she begins exploring her family’s history, starting with the biological mother she never knew. As she goes deeper into the lives of the women in her family, she learns that heartbreak and tragedy are not the only things she has in common with her ancestors. Because the crying woman was with them, too. She is La Llorona, the vengeful and murderous mother of Mexican legend. And she will not leave until Alejandra follows her mother, her grandmother, and all the women who came before her into the darkness. But Alejandra has inherited more than just pain. She has inherited the strength and the courage of her foremothers—and she will have to summon everything they have given her to banish La Llorona forever."

Title: The Honeys
Author: Ryan La Sala
Pages: 344
Genre: Horror
Release Date: 02 August 2022

From Goodreads: "Mars has always been the lesser twin, the shadow to his sister Caroline's radiance. But when Caroline dies under horrific circumstances, Mars is propelled to learn all he can about his once-inseparable sister who'd grown tragically distant. Mars's genderfluidity means he's often excluded from the traditions -- and expectations -- of his politically connected family. This includes attendance at the prestigious Aspen Conservancy Summer Academy where his sister poured so much of her time. But with his grief still fresh, he insists on attending in her place. What Mars finds is a bucolic fairytale not meant for him. Folksy charm and sun-drenched festivities camouflage old-fashioned gender roles and a toxic preparatory rigor. Mars seeks out his sister's old friends: a group of girls dubbed the Honeys, named for the beehives they maintain behind their cabin. They are beautiful and terrifying -- and Mars is certain they're connected to Caroline's death. But the longer he stays at Aspen, the more the sweet mountain breezes give way to hints of decay. Mars’s memories begin to falter, bleached beneath the relentless summer sun. Something is hunting him in broad daylight, toying with his mind. If Mars can't find it soon, it will eat him alive."

Title: Tracking Justice
Author: L.T. Ryan & C.R. Gray
Pages: 311
Genre: Crime Thriller
Release Date: 04 April 2023

From Amazon: "When a college girl is found dead, the investigation leaves a distraught mother in a desperate quest to find out what happened. Dissatisfied with the conclusion drawn by police, she continues to hunt for the truth behind her daughter's untimely death. Retired K9 handler Maddie Castle is brought in to assist the family. With the help of her partner Tempest, Castle finds a lead. She begins to peel back the layers, and discovers the evidence points to murder. Proving it will take all of Castle's investigative effort. Surviving the fallout comes at a price. With Tempest at her side, Castle is on the trail of a murderer who's willing to stop at nothing to keep the truth from being exposed. If she can solve the case, it will be the biggest payday to date. But the cost for Tracking Justice comes at price. And if she's not careful it could be her life."

And that does it for my first Top Ten Tuesday post! I'm so excited to do more of these and share a bit about what's going on in my reading plans from week to week. I would love to know what some of the books on your Spring TBR are! Let me know one or two books that you'll be reading in the comments below and if this post introduced you to a book you'd like to read. Don't forget to visit That Artsy Reader Girl to see more awesome TTT posts, and to see what's on Jana's TBR for the Spring season! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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  1. Ooh lots of floral covers. These all look great!

    Lauren @ www.shootingstarsmag.net

    1. You know, I didn't even realize how many floral covers I picked until your comment!

  2. I'm a mood reader too. It makes sticking to a list difficult! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  3. Great list! I'm really interested in Where Darkness Blooms!

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  4. Welcome to TTT! It's such a fun meme.

    I haven't read any of the books on your list. I hope you enjoy them!

    Happy TTT!

  5. Welcome to TTT! I hope you enjoy all of these, whenever you read them.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/03/14/top-ten-tuesday-411/


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