
#Project14Lists Day 1: 2018 Blog Post Wrap-Up!

3:40:00 PM

Hi hello and welcome to day one of #Project14Lists! I'm so excited to finally get started on this project and share some of my lists that I've made. Today, I'll be doing a wrap up of some blog posts that I made in 2018! Let's get started!

1. 15 posts in January
2. 2 posts in February
(0 in March) 
3. 1 post in April
4. 3 posts in May
5. 7 posts in June
6. 9 posts in July
7. 2 posts in August
8. 3 posts in September
9. 15 posts in October
10. 3 posts in November
11. 12 posts in December (so far!)

Of those posts
 -13 are reviews
-10 are bookish tags
-14 are blog tours (which I also included in reviews)
-21 are Blogtober and Blogmas (combined)
-2 are posts that I got to make with Penguin Teen!
-6 are Biannual Bibliothon related posts
-5 posts are my most anticipated releases of 2018
-5 posts are book cover reveals

114 total blog posts (so far) in 2018!

2018 has been a lot of up and down for me personally and you can really tell in the number of posts from month to month. Some months I did well, and others, I didn't do anything. But I'm cutting myself some slack because I was going through chemotherapy and radiation this year so I think it's safe to say I didn't need to be on top of keeping up with my blog too much! I'm really quite proud of this little wrap-up of the number of posts, though, and it's really motivating me to try and top that amount of posts in 2019!

And that's day one of Project 14 Lists! This is super exciting to see how well I did, considering the things I've been going through this year. I did not expect to see such a high number of posts when I was going through and tallying things up but I'm so happy and proud of myself! I know I'll be adding at least 13 more posts before the end of the month so that's even more added to my total for 2018 and I can't believe it! Let me know some of your 2018 blog post stats in the comments or feel free to share your link to day one of #Project14Lists! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another day of #Project14Lists!

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  1. Love this look back on your year!

  2. I love a list that summarizes stats so you can reflect on how you did through out the year. Great job!

  3. WOW, you had a really good year in terms of blogging and I'm so happy! <3


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