Blogtober 2018 Day Thirteen: Bookish Pumpkin Ideas!
9:05:00 AM
Hi hello and welcome to Blogtober! This is the first year that I'm participating and I'm so excited! If you don't know what Blogtober is, it's similar to Vlogtober (for YouTubers) where I'll be posting a brand new blog post every day in the month of October. I got all of my prompts from the fabulous Jenniely, so be sure to go over and check out her post if you want to jump in on all of the blogging fun. Today is day thirteen and I'll be talking about some ideas for bookish pumpkins. Let's get spooky!
(Still lazy, still using Google for images.)

(Still lazy, still using Google for images.)

Let's start off with an easy one. For those that may not want to gut and carve a pumpkin because icky, why not try painting a pumpkin? These are some super cute Harry Potter inspired painted pumpkins that are perfect for bringing some bookish flair to your Halloween decorations!

What's more perfect to carve into a pumpkin than the symbol of the Mockingjay with flames behind it? When you light the candle inside of the pumpkin, it will look absolutely fantastic and like your flames have come to life!

Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Lady of Dragonstone, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. Need I say more?

Smaug from The Hobbit is a fire-breathing dragon. How could you not want to carve a dragon on a pumpkin?!
We started simple, so let's end simple! If you don't want to paint a pumpkin or sit down and spend hours cleaning out the guts of a pumpkin and carving it, why not try making a paper pumpkin? You could recycle an old book and make a couple of cute bookish paper pumpkins to keep forever!
And that's it for some bookish pumpkin ideas! I really enjoy carving pumpkins (not so much the cleaning out of the pumpkin, though) but I definitely am nowhere near as talented as some of the amazing carvings I showed. I think I might stick with some easy book page pumpkins this year! What are some of your ideas for bookish pumpkins? I'd love to know so be sure to leave a comment with your ideas! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another Blogtober post! Stay spooky!
And that's it for some bookish pumpkin ideas! I really enjoy carving pumpkins (not so much the cleaning out of the pumpkin, though) but I definitely am nowhere near as talented as some of the amazing carvings I showed. I think I might stick with some easy book page pumpkins this year! What are some of your ideas for bookish pumpkins? I'd love to know so be sure to leave a comment with your ideas! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another Blogtober post! Stay spooky!
Thank you so much for checking out my post! I'd love to chat, so please feel free to leave a comment :D