F is for Friday: 07 July 2023

8:00:00 AM

Hi hello and welcome to F is for Friday, hosted by Nomadic Worlds. With F is for Friday, you answer a few prompts that relate to your reading for the past week and even share some things that made you happy! This is a great post to do because it helps remind me of all of the good things I’ve experienced weekly, even if it doesn’t feel like anything good happened in the moment. Whether it’s book related or just life in general, I’m trying to remember to count the positives in my daily life! Let's get started!

F – Feature your latest book obsession (it doesn’t have to be your current read)

The Only One Left by Riley Sager. I swear, y’all are going to be so tired of hearing me talk about this book by the end of the year! But I’m not even sorry because this book was amazing. For me, it was a perfect thriller. It had everything I could have wanted and then some, so this was definitely a great success for me as a reader. I know Riley Sager can be hit or miss for a lot of people so I’m definitely interested in seeing what others think of this one!

I – Indicate which book/s you are looking forward to reading this weekend

The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw. Summerween 2023 has started today and my wonderful husband picked this book for me to start with! I’m really excited to finally read this and I’ll definitely share my thoughts in a wrap-up once the readathon is over. If you’d like to see the rest of my Summerween TBR, check out my post that I made!

F – Favorite quote of the week/day

“It’s a chain, and you’re right—I’m the link holding everything together and it’s all just weight. It’s weight, and it never lets up, and no one else ever holds it. No one else even notices it. I don’t understand how I can be there every moment of every single day and somehow not exist at the same time. Most days I think I’m not even a person. Not to them, not to myself.”

This is a quote by Jenny, a character from Mister Magic by Kiersten White. I read this, and then went back and read it again, and then I cried while highlighting it because it hit me so hard. Growing up, I tried to be the link, and now that I’m an adult, I find myself still trying to be the link. And it’s hard, it really is. This quote caught me off guard because this book is a horror book and it’s supposed to be scary, not soul crushing! 

F – Five Things You’re Happy Or Grateful For This Week

1. My back is almost fully healed! I’m still getting used to not being in an extreme amount of pain when I do anything and it’s definitely a learning process. I catch myself doing things like I have been for a year and a half and then realize that I don’t have to do those things anymore. I’m not cured by any means, I still suffer from chronic pain, but getting the opportunity to have this surgery has been so helpful for me. I’m happy to talk about it if it’s something you’re looking into!

2. My reading has been a huge success lately. I’ve been reading nothing but absolute bangers lately, as the kids would say. I’m really looking forward to my Summerween TBR because I think I have some really good picks on there!

3. I’m starting to better learn how to manage my hyperfixation tendencies with keeping up with my daily tasks. I’m autistic (which has been a journey all on its own) and have really strong hyperfixations, to the point where my entire life will suffer in order for me to work on something. I won’t do laundry, clean, pay attention to my husband or dog, nothing else but my current project. But I’ve been working hard to allow myself time to do my art while ensuring that everything and everyone else doesn’t suffer. I have an app that helps me track my daily/weekly tasks and I get so excited when I get to check one off! If you have any tips for time management, I’m all ears because I definitely need help with that.

4. I got a really cool new crochet pattern from Wickedly Handmade and I'm loving how it's turning out! I have a few projects going on right now but this one might be my favorite. I've gotten to learn how to do two new crochet stitches which are the Crossed Double and Triple Crochet and I love how cool they're looking! 

5. Speak Now (Taylor's Version) is out and honestly, I don't think I need to say more. Go listen to it but make sure you have tissues when you get to Castles Crumbling because I was unprepared.


And that's it for this F is for Friday post! I feel like this was a fairly good week and I think this weekend is going to be even better. I'm reading great books, crocheting some cool things, and listening to Speak Now (Taylor's Version) so I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. How has your week been? Have you read anything good or picked up a book you're really excited about? What's one thing that you're happy or grateful for this week? Leave me a comment below so that we can chat! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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