F is for Friday: 05 May 2023

12:00:00 PM


Hi hello and welcome to F is for Friday, hosted by Nomadic Worlds. With F is for Friday, you answer a few prompts that relate to your reading for the past week and even share some things that made you happy! I like the idea of having a day to talk about my favorite book related things of the week and also trying to focus on some positive things. Let's get started!

F – Feature your latest book obsession (it doesn’t have to be your current read)
My current book obsession is actually my current read, Lavender House! I’m genuinely so in love with it and I cannot stop talking about it. I can’t even remember how I found out about this book, possibly just scrolling through Goodreads? But I’m so glad it has come into my life. It’s a mystery with a historical setting and queer characters galore! I feel like I tend to read a lot of the same genre in a row (like smutty books or extreme horror with pretty much no middle ground) so this book has been a wonderful break from those two extremes. Knives Out is one of my all-time favorite movies and this book is definitely reminding me of that with the family murder mystery aspect! The writing is easy to read and get lost in, Andy is a wonderful main character, and the mystery of who killed Irene is intriguing enough to keep me reading for long periods of time. Please go read this book!

I – Indicate which book/s you are looking forward to reading this weekend

I'm so excited to finish up Lavender House by Lev A.C. Rosen because it just keeps getting better the more that I read. Seriously, if you love Knives Out, historical settings, and queer characters, please pick this up. I feel like I need to scream about this book from the rooftops because it really is so fantastic and I'm loving every page that I read.

After I finish Lavender House, I want to pick up A Song of Sin and Salvation by L.H. Blake because I was kindly sent an ARC recently and I'd like to get to it! If your first thought was Eddie from Stranger Things, that was mine as well. But read this little bit from the synopsis:

"A Song of Sin and Salvation is a steamy, slow burn romance that will mercilessly pull on your heartstrings. It’s a story about freedom, choice and first love, all set to a raucous 80s soundtrack. It features two lonely teens who despite their differences, represent each other’s chance at salvation."

So like yes, Eddie, but also doesn't it just sound so good?! I'm so excited and honored to have been chosen to receive an ARC so I really can't wait to pick it up this weekend.

And finally, I'm considering picking up Godkiller by Hannah Kaner this weekend if all goes well! I've seen this quite a lot recently and I watched a video from AModelWho'sRead and she gave it an absolutely glowing review, so I was inspired to bump this up on my TBR. I'm hesitant because it is YA and I don't read a lot of YA anymore, but I might have to make an exception for this one because not only is the cover stunning, it sounds super creepy and fantastical.

F – Favorite quote of the week/day

I just finished Looking Glass Sound by Catriona Ward recently and, to no ones surprise, I loved it. There were so many quotes in this book that just hit me in the feels and made me audibly oof so of course, I saved them. I am going to cheat and use more than one quote because there really were so many that I loved but I'll narrow it down to three.

"In the night, a certain kind of whisper sounds louder than yelling."

"It's strange being so close to someone; they stop being a person and become a series of impressions."

"It's not an easy thing, being rewritten. But you can always play around with a first draft."

F – Five Things You’re Happy Or Grateful For This Week

1. It's finally May! I know that sounds silly but I'm really excited that the date for my surgery later this month is getting closer. I'm so ready to have some measure of relief finally! Even though I know the road to recovery won't be quick, I'm just ready to get started. 

2. MomoCon is also at the end of this month! It's a convention in Atlanta, GA that I volunteer at with my husband and our friends and it's a lot of fun. If you enjoy gaming and anime, then it's a great event to come check out! 

3. I'm still having great success with my reading and this week is no exception. I've just been on a roll with picking up fantastic books and I hope that I can continue that streak with this upcoming week! My TBR has some great books on it so I have a good feeling that I'll have some amazing books to talk about next week.

4. I've been working on a wall-hanging for several weeks at this point for my husband and I finally finished it! I make friendship bracelets, keychains, and wall-hangings and I love to make presents for people. This one is special because it's inspired by the art for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour and she is so ingrained into our relationship that it's insane. But, sadly, we were unable to attend her tour so I wanted to do something for him to kind of ease the sads, you know? So I made him a wall-hanging! I'm pretty proud of it because it's over 3,000 knots and took me forever and he really likes it so yay!

5. I’m really grateful for my kiddo, Sora. I’ve been struggling with my chronic pain a lot lately and it really messes with my mental health because I just constantly feel awful and like I’ll never feel better. But Sora is such a light in my life. He’s always such a happy kiddo and is pretty much always smiling and wanting to play or just hang out in the same space as you are. We recently got him these carrot chips and he is obsessed with them! Watching him cronch on them is so cute because he loves using his big back teeth to nom on things. I’m just so lucky to have him in my life and I really do love him so much.

And that’s it for this F is for Friday post! Like I said above, I’ve been struggling with my chronic pain a lot lately and while I’ve been reading a bunch, it’s been hard for me to sit down and do my weekly blog posts. But I’m trying! I really enjoy getting to do a small, fun post almost daily to talk about books and reading and all that fun stuff. I’d love to know something you’re grateful for this week or what book you’re planning on reading this weekend so leave me a comment below and let’s chat! Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you in the next chapter!

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