Buzzfeed Unsolved Book Tag!

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Hi hello and welcome to the Buzzfeed Unsolved book tag! I was inspired by tons of people talking about how Valentine's Day should just be a second Halloween and figured why not do a spooky tag to celebrate that? This book tag was originally created by Sarah from The YA Room so be sure and go show her video some love! I will confess that while I haven't seen every episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, I do love the show and I am so excited to do this tag today. Let's get spooky!

Shaniac: A book you don't think is deserving of the hype

I might get some hate for this but From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I tried picking this book up not too terribly long ago and just could not get into it. Maybe it is deserving of the hype (there is a ton of it everywhere) but I just couldn’t see it when I was attempting to start reading. I don’t know what it was but I just couldn’t see why people were obsessed with this book when I struggled to read one chapter. I’ll probably give it another shot at some point but for now, it’s not for me.

Boogara: A book that chilled you to the core

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes! This is a book I just finished recently and I was quite literally in bed curling my feet up just in case a ghost tried to reach out and pull my feet. It really spooked me and I haven't been spooked by a book in such a long time! The atmosphere was creepy as heck and it was just an all-around wonderfully scary book that I would absolutely recommend.

Shitfish: A book you're not sure where you stand on

I immediately thought of Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. I read this a while back and when I finished, I was confused as to how I felt. There has been so much love and hype for this book/series (there's even a TV show on Netflix based on the world) so I wanted to pick it up and see what everyone liked about it so much. When I was done, I was just...meh. I didn't absolutely love it but I also didn't hate it. I feel like I'm on the outside looking in when it comes to the love this book has because it just didn't click to me. It wasn't a bad book, I think I did enjoy my time with it, but I never felt compelled to continue the series. What's hilarious is that I gave the book 4 stars apparently and said I couldn't wait to read the next book so now I'm just unsure where I stand!

Hey there demons. It's me, ya boy: A book that kept you up at night

Claimed by Cupid by Dana Isaly. I read this in one sitting after being reminded that it was out (thank you TikTok) and I loved it so much. I also read the first book, Dipped in Holly, in one sitting and, to no surprise, also loved it. Dana Isaly is one of my go-to authors and I've almost read all of the books she's released and have yet to be disappointed. Highly recommend it, but only if you're over the age of 18 because it gets spicy.

(WHEEZE): A book that made you laugh out loud

Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison. Probably not what you were expecting if you’re familiar with this book, but it genuinely did make me laugh out loud. There were parts that were actually funny but I think I mainly laughed because of how absolutely insane this book was. It was so good and right up my alley of messed up books but this is definitely not a book for everyone. Please check content warnings before reading this and make sure you’re prepared for a new level of messed up  

Mothman: A hyped fave

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. I'm sure you know all about the series and especially ACOMAF by now, but it's hyped for a reason and loved for a reason. I actually have a whole Twitter thread about my experience reading this book and it was a wild ride that I loved every second of. My husband also read part of Chapter 55 out loud and I got it on video which was probably the highlight of my reading experience! But yes, ACOMAF means a lot to me and I’m so glad that I finally understand why the book and the series overall are so hyped up and loved. 

Holy Water: A book you'd protect with your life

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab. No one is surprised that I’m mentioning this, right? I read this during recovery from my cancer treatments and it impacted my life in the best way possible. I’m reading it again and am actually annotating a physical copy (my 12th or 13th copy of this book) which has been an amazing experience! It’s such an important book to me and it’s absolutely one I would protect with my life. 

Demons: A book you're too scared to read

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. I’m not scared to read it because of the content or because I think it’ll actually scare me; I’m typically hard to actually scare when it comes to books! I’m more so scared to read it because of how big it is. She’s a thick one and definitely something I plan to read a physical copy of (I bought it years ago and just haven’t picked it up yet) but it’s honestly super intimidating! I’ve heard really good things about it so I know I’ll enjoy my time with it, but dang it if I’m not nervous at how long it will take me to actually get through that book.

But for now, this mystery will remain...unsolved: A book you needed more from/didn't want to end

Showing some more love to Dana Isaly here with Games We Play! It’s a short novella and if you like Corpse Husband, you’ll like this. I have dived headfirst into smutty books over my absence and this one is one of my favorites. I really enjoyed this novella and I was happy with how it wrapped up, but of course I wanted more of these two characters when I was finished reading because it was just that enjoyable for me. Please be sure to check content warnings if you do end up picking this one up!

Buzzfeed Unsolved Postmortem: A book you still have questions about

Victorious by V.E. Schwab. It’s not out and heck I’m pretty sure she isn’t even working on it yet, but I have so many questions and no answers and it’s both stressful and exciting. I would wait a hundred years for another book in my favorite series but I really do have so many things I want to know about this book! I can’t wait for when it finally does come out and I can come back and tell past me that we finally got to read this. I know it’s going to be perfect. 

Hot Daga: A trashy fave

I don’t like to think of books as “trashy” because I’ve always thought trashy equals bad. Thankfully, I understand now that that’s not always the case, but it still tends to carry a negative connotation for me. But a “trashy” romance book I’m obsessed with would have to be Scream For Us by Molly Doyle. It’s definitely another book to check the content warnings for but if you’re into the things that the book contains then you’ll like this one a lot. I read this in one sitting and whew it was wild!

And that does it for the Buzzfeed Unsolved book tag! This was so much fun to do and I loved getting spooky in February. Any excuse to talk about or do something involving scary things is an absolute win for me! I’d love to know what your answers to these questions are so let me know down in the comments what a few of your answers would be for these questions. Bonus question: what is your favorite episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved? I’m particularly fond of the Goatman’s Bridge episode, myself. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you in the next chapter!

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