WWW Wednesday: 21 June 2023
8:30:00 AM
Hi hello and welcome to WWW Wednesday! This was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. This is a really fun and easy weekly post where you answer the three W’s: what are you currently reading, what did you recently finish reading, and what do you think you’ll read next? Let’s get started!
What are you currently reading?
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang. I'll go ahead and admit this: I've never read an R.F. Kuang book. I know, I know, I'm missing out! But I'm finally reading one and holy wow I am so glad I to finally be reading something by her. I'm about 20-25% in and it feels so easy to read in a good way. I love the writing, and the story itself is absolutely wild, oh man. I really can’t wait to see where it goes from here because June is actually the worst and I am just rooting for her to fail.
What did you recently finish reading?
The Last Word by Taylor Adams and No One Rides for Free by Judith Sonnet. I technically finished No One Rides for Free most recently but it was so short that I'm including The Last Word as well since that was a full length book. I really enjoyed The Last Word and it made me want to check out more books by Taylor Adams! It was a fun mystery thriller book and I'm excited to pick up No Exit at some point in the future. And No One Rides for Free is an extreme horror book that I picked up while sitting in the emergency room on Sunday. I highly encourage you to check the trigger warnings for before reading because this is absolutely an extreme horror book in every sense. It was good and it made me want to read more from Judith Sonnet but it was definitely an intense read!
What do you think you'll read next?
The Only One Left by Riley Sager. I have been so excited for a new Riley Sager book, oh my goodness. I've never given a book by him anything less than five stars (yes, even Survive the Night) and I just know that this one is an immediate five star book before I've even read it. This may encourage me to do a full Riley Sager dedicated post about all of his books so stay tuned for that if you're interested in hearing all of my thoughts on his books!
And that does it for this WWW Wednesday post! I've gotten back into reading more now that MomoCon is over and I'm healing from my surgery and I'm so happy to be reading again. How is your reading going this week? Have you picked up anything new? Are any of the books I mentioned today on your TBR? Which book should I pick up next? I'd love to know so be sure to leave me a comment below and we can chat! Don't forget to visit Taking On a World of Words and see Sam's post for the week, and maybe check out some others awesome weekly posts from the comments! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you in the next chapter!
Thank you so much for checking out my post! I'd love to chat, so please feel free to leave a comment :D