
Top Ten Tuesday: If You Liked This, Try This!

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Hi hello and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! This weekly post is hosted by the wonderful Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl so please be sure to go check out her post with all of the information about TTT. This week, the topic is Books for People Who Liked Author X where you pick an author and recommend a book or two that you think someone would enjoy based on their enjoyment of the author. It's basically if you liked this, try this, but with authors. Let's get started!
Starting off with one of my favorite authors in the spicy romance genre, we have Katee Robert! You’ve probably heard of her Wicked Villains, Dark Olympus, or Deal With a Demon series and all of those are fantastic choices to read. One is spicy Disney villain retellings, another is spicy modern Olympus, and the last is, well, monster lover romance. She has a ton of books and definitely knows what she’s doing when it comes to writing books with great spice, lovable characters, and an addictive story! But if you’ve read all of her books, then what should you pick up next? I recommend Ashley Bennett and Kimberly Lemming. Whether you’re looking for cute, spicy, funny, or adventurous, all three of these authors have something to offer that you’ll absolutely devour!
Tracy Deonn basically exploded the book community with her amazing book Legendborn, which is still one of my favorite fantasy books I’ve ever read. Whether or not I’ll forgive her for writing such an amazing book and then making me wait a million years for the sequel remains to be seen, however. But if you were a fan of Tracy Deonn’s insane world building and writing, allow me to recommend Amélie Wen Zhao, author of the Blood Heir trilogy, and Sophia Slade, author of Nightstrider. All of these authors are fantastic at creating these incredible worlds that you’ll want to spend hours getting lost in and have writing that only amplifies the world they’ve built. These authors are absolute stars and you should definitely read at least one book from each of them so that you can experience their worlds!

Moving on to something a little more…spooky. If you’re a fan of how Catriona Ward writes books that are unsettling, creepy, spooky, whatever word you want to use, then you need to add T. Kingfisher and S.A. Barnes to your list of authors you should read. Sundial was my favorite book of 2022 and I loved how weird and wrong it was, wrong being used in a positive way which probably makes no sense unless you’ve read the book. T. Kingfisher made me so wonderfully uncomfortable with What Moves the Dead, and S.A. Barnes succeeded in making me pull my feet up from the bottom of the bed just in case while I was reading Dead Silence, and I think they both pair perfectly with Catriona Ward’s vibes. 

And last, but certainly not least, this one is for my extreme horror fans! If you’re into the more, well, extreme side of horror books, then you’ll undoubtedly know the name Aron Beauregard. He’s an incredible writer who really brings the blood, guts, and gore to his books and I’m always impressed with each book I read from him. So if you’re looking for some new authors in this genre to check out, try Chandler Morrison and Duncan Ralston. Dead Inside is probably the most messed up book I will ever read (for now, at least) and I loved it so much. I wonder what that says about me? And Woom was just so wild that I couldn’t help but laugh because what even happened?! These three extreme horror authors are definitely some of the best in the genre and you won’t be disappointed by any of them!
And that does it for this Top Ten Tuesday! I actually struggled with this one simply because I wanted to pick the right authors to pair together, and that was harder than I thought it would be. But everyone’s recommendations are going to be different and I’m so excited to see some of them! Did you participate in this weeks Top Ten aTuesday? What are some authors you would recommend? Let me know in the comments below and please be sure to link me your post so I can go discover some new books and authors! My TBR is crying already, I can hear it. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you in the next chapter!

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  1. Now I’m curious about Sundial. It looks interesting.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-for-people-who-liked-shel-silverstein/

    1. Oh I hope you pick up Sundial! It's an absolutely amazing book :D

  2. I love the way you set up this post! I was really struggling to think of ten books to recommend for a one author or series. This is a much better idea, I think. :) Here is my TTT.

    1. I totally misunderstood the prompt but I had a lot of fun so I think that's the important part, right?(:

  3. I'm not a fantasy reader, so I'm not familiar with any of these. I know what you mean about this being a hard prompt. I did something else because I just couldn't think of anything for this one!

    Happy TTT!


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