Blogmas 2018 Day 4: Bookish Naughty or Nice List!

7:10:00 AM

Hi hello and welcome to Blogmas 2018! I'm so excited to be doing Blogmas this year and I'm happy to share that I will be following the incredible Jenniely's prompts all month long. I highly encourage you to go check out her amazing blog and join in on the Blogmas fun! Today, I'll be doing the Bookish Naughty or Nice tag that she has created and I can't wait to see which list I'm on for the year! Let's get festive!

Received an ARC and not reviewed it- Naughty
Oh goodness, I am so guilty of this! It's not something I'm proud of but it does happen, unfortunately. I'm playing major catch up this year because I was dealing with cancer most of this year and it set me back quite a bit, but I'm slowly catching up! I'm not too unhappy or punishing myself because, I mean, I was battling cancer, I'm just working on catching up with my reviews.

Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley- Nice!

Woo! Normally I'm at about 80-82% but I recently got approved for two books (one of them is Wicked Saints and guys, I'm addicted) so my rating went down a bit. As you can see, I do have...quite a bit of reviewing to catch up on, but I'm getting there!

Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)- Naughty
Calling myself out here but this is my "review" of Vicious which I clearly finished two months ago and still haven't posted a full review. Oops. I also still haven't finished Vengeful but that's because I'm drawing it out as much as possible so that I don't have to let go of the characters I've come to love. But yeah, this is one of probably many "RTC" posts on my Goodreads. 

Folded down the page of a book- Nice!

I WOULD NEVER. It's painful to watch someone dog-ear a page in a book. Of course, everyone is welcome to do what they want to their books, but it kills me to watch.

Accidentally spilled on a book- Nice!
Surprisingly, no! I'm very careful around my books and even though I do eat/drink around them and while reading, I've never spilled anything on my books. Although now that I've said that, I'm probably going to spill everything all over all of my books somehow.

DNF a book this year- Naughty
Yes, but I don't think this is a bad thing. If I don't like a book, I'm not going to continue to read it and waste my time. I could be reading another book that I would probably enjoy even more and I would much rather read a book I like than force myself to read something I don't even like. 

Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it- Naughty

Do it for the aesthetic.

Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)- Naughty
I mean, who hasn't completely shelved their responsibilities to keep reading a book that they were really enjoying? I know I'm not the only one!

Skim read a book- Nice!
Nope! Even if I'm reading a book where the author takes twenty pages to describe a chair (looking at you, Stephen King) I will still read all of the pages. I don't want to accidentally miss any details!

Completely missed your Goodreads goal- Nice!
Okay, I'm gonna say nice for this one because I actually did beat my goal of 12 books this year. I started setting goals on Goodreads in 2014 so let's see my read compared to my goal:

2014: 6/100
2015: 7/100
2016: 57/50
2017: 97/100
2018: 16/12 (so far)

Obviously, little noob bookish Megan was ambitious with her goals of 100 books back in the day. I did almost get to 100 in 2017 but was diagnosed with cancer in November so that kind of...killed the rest of my year and my desire to read. But I still think I've done well from 2016 and on!

Borrowed a book and not returned it- Nice!
No, I return any books I borrow and I always will. There's a story about me loaning books out and never getting them back that still makes me angry to this day. I loaned out my SIGNED PERSONALIZED copies of Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse to two friends in 2007 and still, to this day, have not gotten them back. One girl has blocked me and the other just ignores my messages. I'm heartbroken and will never loan out another book again but I am still fighting to get my books back!

Broke a book buying ban- Nice! 
Can't break something you've never gone on, right?

Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about- Naughty
I have so many drafts on my blog that are reviews that I just...forgot to finish. And now it's been so long that I don't even remember what the book was about so if I wanted to finish writing the review, I would have to go back and read the book again. So, yes, I have done this.

Wrote in a book you were reading- Nice! 

This is along the same lines of folding a book page down. Just...nope. Although I would make an exception if I was doing a traveling book!

Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads- Naughty
Although to be fair, I've only fairly recently been actively keeping up with my Goodreads account and adding books to it.

Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend- Nice!
See my rather long and drawn out story above regarding books and not having them returned. Hashtag rage.

Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book- Naughty
Thankfully, no one has asked if they can borrow any of my books in years, but I would straight up say no now. I love my books too much to let them go and now I just don't trust anyone to give them back. It's unfortunate but my experience in lending books out is not a good one.

Broke the spine of someone else’s book- Nice!
I don't tend to borrow books from other people and if I do, I make sure to return it how I got it!

Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged- Nice!
I'm very careful with books so I don't really damage them at all! They are the precious.

Sat on a book accidentally- Nice!
My books are kept on my desk when I'm not reading them so I definitely have never sat on one! Although I have sat on my Kindle before which does have ebooks...does that count?

Final score: 12 Nice, 8 Naughty


And that's it for the Naughty or Nice tag and day four of Blogmas! Looks like I'm on the Nice list this year, but only by a little bit! I started a bit late but I'm excited to participate this year, especially with all of these fun post prompts from Jenniely. Be sure to check out her blog linked above and let me know if you decide to join in on Blogmas this month. Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another day of Blogmas!

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