Blogtober 2018 Day Six- Autumnal Drinks!

10:18:00 AM

Hi hello and welcome to Blogtober! This is the first year that I'm participating and I'm so excited! If you don't know what Blogtober is, it's similar to Vlogtober (for YouTubers) where I'll be posting a brand new blog post every day in the month of October. I got all of my prompts from the fabulous Jenniely, so be sure to go over and check out her post if you want to jump in on all of the blogging fun. Today is day six and I'll be talking about some Autumnal drinks. Let's get spooky!

(Hey, look, another disclaimer! Still too lazy to take photos of things so I'm using the wonderful Google to find some photos. They're not mine, they're just super helpful and let me be lazy.)

Surprise, surprise it's a PSL! If you somehow don't know what one of these is, it's a Pumpkin Spice Latte. It's basic, and it's wonderful. But I'm not here to shame anyone for being "basic!" If you like your Han Solo outfit with UGG boots and a PSL, you rock it. I know I will!

Hot Apple Cider! Truth be told, I'm a bigger fan of apple cider than a PSL. Something about it makes me think of my childhood and always brings back really good memories. That and I'm obsessed with all things apple when it comes to food and smells. 

Why drink bitter coffee when you can have hot chocolate and pretend it's coffee?! Just keep it in a thermos and when your friends ask if it's coffee, just say yes. They don't need to know you're secretly a five-year-old that can't drink coffee because it tastes icky.

My favorite kind of tea is vanilla chamomile with honey. My mom got me started on it years ago and I still love it! Also, I just recently learned you can put milk in your hot tea? What?

Let me know some of your favorite Fall drinks! And how do you take your tea? Do you put milk in it or sugar and/or honey? Or maybe both? I never knew milk in hot tea was a thing and if I wasn't lactose intolerant (and just seriously disliked the taste of milk in general) I'd probably try it! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you tomorrow for another Blogtober post! Stay spooky!

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